
all over the map.

I have found a boy that must truely love me. On Valentine's Day (which we dont celebrate, by the way), there was a station set up in my dorm that you could paint a flower pot at! And so he sat there with me, and we painted flower pots, in which will grow our love buds... I put "magic beanstalk" on mine, he put "AWP+EKH foreva" on his. Jesus, i love that boy.

Next we have the fish that nearly f-ing(edit) killed me today. I was trying to find DeIonized water in the back of the Geology lab today (so i could change the fishes water), and when i thought i found it, i began to fill up my nalgene. I put about an inch of "water" in the bottle when i thought, "hmmm, this is coming from a chemical lab, i better make sure its water..." i then proceeded to stick my nose in my bottle, take the biggest inhale evvvverrrr, and then wished i was dead. Huffing 100% pure acetic acid feels like having 10,000 scorching hot needles burning out your nose hairs and poking your brain at the same time. (for reference: 5% acetic acid is household vinegar. yeah.) At first i thought i was going to cry, then i thought my nose was going to bleed, then i felt like i was going to pass out... so i just went down 6 flights of stairs and smoked 2 cigarettes. Needless to say, the fish is still residing in filthy water.

I also finished these socks today, for the record, they are more of a "country blue" than "electric blue". Im going to send them to my loving mother tomorrow.
And last but most certainly not least, this is my new poster. it was 25 cents and as it turns out, the band is pretty cool. Blitzen Trapper. check em out on youtube or somethin.
oh and the peace bracelet is still available to whomever may want it. So if you claim it tonight, i'll put it in the mail tomorrow with the socks. and the letter. and the 2 coffee cup warmers from ages ago.
i never claimed to be prompt. dont hate.

1 comment:

  1. Well, if you haven't sent my coffee cup warmer yet, I'd love the bracelet too!

    Did you know I have terrible trouble commenting on your posts? When I put my URL into the little box underneath, it tells me that my URL has illegal characters in it.
