
I hate college. suprise, suprise.

well actually, i shouldn't be spiteful.
i take it back.

what i mean to say is, i dont know what i want to do with my life, and the "you must be done by 4 years" saying is taunting me unmercifully. i dont know that i want to be in college anymore, and i know for sure that the university that i attend is not for me. everytime i think of something i may want to do, i realize, it doesnt take a college degree.
huh. go figure.

i would love to knit on commission. no college degree necessary.
it would be fabulous to open a bed and breakfast on the appalachian trail. no degree necessary.
i would love to open a small shop. business classes would be a good idea...

do you see where im going here?

its not that im lazy. im not. i've had a solid job since i was 15. i am a hard worker.

but as of lately, the workload of classes is neverending. no matter how much i get done, there is always something else that i could "work on" or "study for". its daunting. and im tired. and unhappy.

so, i called up momma josephine, and told her i was unhappy with geology. i told her that it wasnt for me. i told her that i didnt know what to do anymore. i told her i'd lost my way.

she said: do what you need to do to be happy. you're 20 years old, and i think its crazy that they expect you to know what you want to do for the rest of your life at age 18. come home if you want or go to community college there and take a bunch of random classes until you find something you like, or just take a break and think about things for a semester.

i have the very best mom. ever.

thanks for reading the rant of the century.


  1. I agree with Mom. Take your time & save your money. I'm 29, & am just now figuring out what it is that I want to do with my life. It's never too late to finish school. Being 20 is a lot of fun. Don't waste it being stressed out over what it is you "should" be doing.
    I think you need to knit some graffiti to leave on campus! Now that sound like fun!

  2. Hey, I'm 46 and I'm still waiting to decide what I want to do when I grow up! Heh heh. Great advice from your mum and it's good that she's not the type to insist that you finish the course even if you're miserable.
