
envy is a nasty thing.

but lately i cant help but envy everyones beautiful pictures. pictured at left...
is my camera. my jalopy of a hunk of love.
(it doesnt like to have its picture taken...)
its an hp photosmart M525 which really means it was free. i love it, dearly, i do. but there comes a time in every electronic relationship when a girl knows she can do better.
so im now officially in the market for a new camera and i'd love to know what all of you think of yours and what you have. since, i am in fact, a dirty, broke, hippy of a college student, im shooting for economical, but not compromising the quality. i have a fantastic Nikon film camera at home that is approximately 25 years old (and badass, might i add!) in perfect working conditions, but in the digital world today, (and the fact that i am extremely hard on all things electronic), i need something that has no sentimental value attatched already. but i would loooooove a nikon.
so tomorrow, when i go shopping for "professional clothes" for my job interview on wednesday (!) i think i'll check out the camera store too.
alright. sleep is now in order.


  1. Hey B, I have a Nikon D50. I got it over 3 years ago and absolutely love it....it was totally worth the $...I would def recommend the warranty!
    Good Luck on your job interviews also!

  2. I know exactly what you mean, I want to take better photos too. Can't afford a new camera yet, though... But I'm saving :)
