
beatnik gets thrown violently into the "real world".

i can just see it now. the headline for all tomorrows newspapers.

so i went to my job interview wearing the only "professional" outfit i have; black slacks, and a black sweater with a grey shirt underneath. i get there, sit down, and realize that there are people in "professional" outfits sitting on the same couch. i looked least professional of all. then i find out they are interviewing for the same job as i am.

so fast forward, my interview gets cancelled because the interviewer is sick. so now, im completely concerned that even if i beat out all the other "professionals" i still just have one nice outfit. (and i dont think that tiedye and corduroy count as "professional", otherwise, i would have that shit covered.) so, now, interview is officially tomorrow, and to be completely honest, i dont care if i get it anymore. because it will cost me my whole paycheck just to buy more clothes to wear the next time i work. i put such little value on money as it is, and i'd rather be broke from not having a job than broke from spending all of my money so i can go to work.

so the lesson learned today is (well actually there are several.)
1. jobs with dress codes blow, and i would hate to enter the world knowing that i have to work at a place like that for the rest of my life.
2. i have said in the past that i could never have a career in which i had a boss, and this is now lithified (heh, geology). i will be my own boss when the time comes.
3. i feel really good about myself today because of this experience. i think it has tested my ability to resist consumerism at all costs, and i think i have proven worthy.
4. although a new camera would be fantastic, i can wait.
5. this blog makes me feel more sane sometimes.

take or leave the job
take and leave peace

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only adult out there who has a hard time with dress code. I have been that person getting a new job so that I can spend my money on new clothes to wear to the new job. I'm proud of you. Stick to who you are.
