

any denyers of climate change can kiss my white ass.

it being only the beginning of february, i was naturally dumbfounded by the 60 degree weather we've had here in northern illinois.

but im not one to complain about beautiful days, so we took the opportunity to go out to the lake for the afternoon and enjoy the weather and capri suns.

we lauged, smoked cigarettes, and carved pictures into the layer of dirt on this picnic table.
i carved a trumpet with music notes coming out of it, boyfriend doodled a tree, J did a lamp post and a mushroom while D did an angry face.
beautiful, beautiful day.
the end.
oh wait, no, not the end... i started my "give a hoot" mittens today, and im already half done with the first one! pictures to come later. promise.
and get out there and enjoy the weather if you're able to!


  1. It's sunny, beautiful and cold, cold, cold here. Around 7'F, but I don't really care. The sun is back ♥ Love the landscapy picture - beautiful colours!

  2. First time visiting - I like it! I always enjoy people in their rawest state. I love seeing people as they are - not who they want me to see.
    Thanks for that.
